next generation of wood strips.

Step by step - Perfect surfaces for glued laminated wood with the Woodpecker system

From fault detection to finish planing

The WoodPecker method provides narrow-ringed defect-free glued laminated wood in fully arbitrary lengths that are also perfectly suitable for large, visible wood structures, as can testify our regular customers who are laminated wood manufacturers throughout Europe. Any defect can accurately be corrected within a very short time and to a few tenths of millimetre in the same operation without any difficulty.

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A new generation of wood strips

Variability and flexibility of use

The WoodPecker system features great variability and flexibility of use.
The package consists of a routing machine, a template, the matching cutter head and a fully new generation of appropriate WoodPecker plugging strips supplied in various sets to suit the specific requirements.

Your benefit

Price and efficiency are quite good

An appealing price/efficiency ratio is of great significance to us. This applies to the entire system that can be used for years, no matter whether you buy a complete package with routing machine and all its accessories or only order and reorder a few component parts.

Plugging strips can be ordered in sets and sizes that will exactly meet your requirements, and yet lie below the prices for conventional wood strips offered on the market.
Routing is carried out with low-cost standard change blades. Moreover, the WoodPecker cutter heads are compatible with the routers of other makes.